Honor Choir
Organized under the collaborative efforts of the American Choral Directors Association and the Southern California Vocal Association, the 2019 California Coastal Region Honor Choir is a musical achievement awarded to students after he/she auditions and is selected to become a member of one of the state’s regional honor choirs through a rigorous selection process.
A total of 22 Honor Choir participants! Congrats to Jonathan Kha, Anita Wong, Alexa Cango Ruiz, Emma Koslosky, Paide Cason, Precilla Lee, Katie Francisco, Jack Low, Emily Castaneda, Benjamin Chen, Aaron Bull, Chris Pei, Jose Lopez Solano, Conal Mosbaugh, Megan Kelley, Anthony Mok, Johvany Saenz-Castillo, Alyssa Pringle, Abigail Chiu, Brenna Borgstede, Ryan Taylor, and Elijah Rogge!

And as result of their superlative auditions, Aaron Bull and Benjamin Chen were selected to represent Castro Valley High in February of 2020 at CCDA's All State Honor Choirs!